Monday, September 04, 2006

Beautiful flowers and animals
We saw some great colours in the butterflies and flowers - lotus flowers, orchids and lilies. Bowls of flowers, arranged petals, etc. They are used in worship all the time and you buy 'lots and lots' for 5000 RP (about $1) at the market. Will have to wait to see the pics

Eating - yum!
Had some great meals - but the best were from the local Warung (cafe). Got a few shots. Eating at the Warungs cost us about $1.50 - $2.50 a meal and they tasted so much better than restaurant food. But don't look too closely at the food prep or conditions - just make sure the food has been cooked at a high temperature and you get it FRESH! You should see the kitchen at the best Warung - no more complaining about your old kitchen Di!

We treated ourselves on the last night and went to dinner at a European fine dining and entertainment establishement called KuDeTa in outer Kuta. Why isn't there one in CNS/Palm Cove. With all the Balanese imports into north Qld you'd think we'd have copied this one! Great food - expensive even by oz$ standards but on a magnificent site with great service and atmosphere. One of the reviews said it was Asia's answer to Cafe Del Mar - and I would agree. THANK YOU Julie/Rod/Catrina/Jaimelle for insisting we do this. Watch out CNS I just might come back and work out how to pull this off at home....

At last we leave Bali
The first week is over, we collect our tailored clothes, find Tammy's lost camera, and fly on to the next adventure...(ask Tammy about the Camera - in fact Julie ask Santika about Tammy next time you're there I'm sure they won't have forgotten the Oz lady who lost her camera either - poor girl)

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