Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday 21 September 2006
I Walked the Wall!!

Ok, be proud of me - I walked about 12 miles today. Caught the bus this morning to Chesters Fort - explored this Roman settlement and then set off to pretend to be Roman for the day. Did Brocolitia, Housesteads Fort and stopped walking at Once Brewed - what a great name for a village - and the pub 100m up the road is called Twice Brewed - had a drink here while a waited for the bus to take me back to Greenhead - walking is about fun not a chore. I felt twice brewed by then- 12 mile was enough!

Those wild Scots must have been a real threat cause that is one massive wall. The first 10km I walked didn't seem so fantastic - a lot of the wall is missing or underground. But the 5km into Housesteads and the 5km after Housesteads is amazing. No raders were going either nth or sth wothout the romans permission!

It was a very windy day and a couple of times I thought I might get blown off the wall - even had to sit down and wait for the gusts to calm down. What a god-aweful spot it would be in winter. Cold with a capital C. It was a beautiful sunny day but incredibly windy which stopped me getting too hot walking. I didn't see a soul until Housesteads and could really feel the history and environment. And for movie buffs - you know the movie Robinhood, the tree Morgan Freeman rests under on the way back from the Crusades - well it is on Hadrians Wall. Great spot.

Anyway got to go and catch a train to Loch Lamond - will do more diary later...

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