Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday 20 September 2006
Spent today travelling. But boy some countryside. This is definately somewhere I'll put on the list to come back to....

Left the Lakes and caught a bus across the countryside to Kendal and Ingleton. Had time to kill in each village. And they were just that. Very cute especially Ingleton. There was a sweet shop with residence for sale and I was imagining retiring here - and then realised quickly that I would be bored brainless- you'd need to be writing a book or a thesis and need the quiet....then bused across to Settle. From Ingleton I had got to the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. I like these people! Forthright, great sense of humour, friendly, unaffected. My bus driver, the only other passenger and I, laughed all the way to Settle. Even the sheep were not safe from her jokes.

Caught the train from Settle to Carlisle - across the Dales/Moors. The weather today was another overcast but not wet day and it wasn't too closed in so saw some good views. Again, not great photo weather but the green - so green it is indescribable - is there a name for it? - rich, thick, like the finest quality wool carpet. We passed walkers waving to us as we passed over huge Victorian viaducts - it was truely the age of conquoring the environment - tunnels, bridges, nothing stopped the railway man! The English love to walk/hike - rain, hail or shine!

From Carlisle, just a busy regional town, I travelled on to Greenhead in the heart of the Hadrians Wall. Got here late afternoon in time to settle in before a big days walking t omorrow.

"so green it is indescribable - is there a name for it? - rich, thick, like the finest quality wool carpet."

'verdant green' simply meaning excessively green i think ......
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