Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Petra Food
We had some amazing food while in Petra. The local tourism family - ran the 4WD tours to Wadi Rum, Dead Sea, etc; ran the Hotel we stayed in; ran a travel agency; etc. Anyway one of the brothers was the chef at the hotel (another was Ogla our head guide in Wadi Rum).
Obviously we had babganoush, hommus and pita but we also had tabouli and some amazing natural yogurt with local honey - oh boy - as good as the yummy Rusty's one you buy Jaimelle and better than King Island Mark!
Try some of these and see if you can make them work at home...
1. Wash egg plant and slice into 1-1 1/2" pieces, spray with olive oil and lightly grill to seal. Lay the egg plant slices in a greased baking tray and roast like pumpkin. In the meantime, cook chopped tomatoes and garlic in a olive oil greased pan until soft. When the egg plant is roasted put the tomato mix on top of the egg plant in the baking dish. Return to oven for 10 minutes to make sure starting to absorb flavours through both parts. Serve hot as vege or as entree on it's own. Fantastic!
2. New Dukkah for the dukkah fans. Mix seseame seeds with course ground sage. dunk toasted pita in olive oil and then scoop through the seseame dukkah. mmm...
3. Black tea with fresh sage sprig. sweeten to taste. I prefer the mint spring but the sage is interesting and different.
4. Mousata - I think that's what you call it. Like a risotto with rice slow cooked in chicken stock, garlic, onion, parsley and sage. Chicken browned with garlic and then steamed on top of the slow cooking rice sprinkled with a new spice - sumac - a bit like paprika.

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